We continue to be blown away by BIG POWER GENERATION assets ⚡️

Kameron and our associates had the privilege of touring a customer’s pristinely preserved GE 7EA 90MW gas turbine generator (GTG), PLUS an optionally available heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) – making this a complete COGENERATION SOLUTION. Typically taking years for delivery, this GE 7EA GTG and HRSG are immediately available at a fraction of what it would usually take in both time and capital investment.

Know of a BIG POWER need? Talk to us about this rare surplus General Electric 7EA natural gas cogeneration offering.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you’d like to discuss, if you’re looking for a different power generation solution or you’re looking for other used oil and gas or oilfield equipment for sale.

Full Video Transcript


In a nondescript Warehouse just down the road from where you took your kids to a trampoline park this weekend we’ve got a 90 megawatt general electric 7EA natural gas powered generator.

Thomas Edison would be beaming with pride right now if he could see this generator package.

Now 90 megawatts is enough to run a city of about 100,000 people and it’s all being powered by this 7EA natural gas turbine generator package.

Built in 2015 and perfectly preserved to General Electric OEM standards.

Now personally I love coming down to places like this is the sheer size of everything.

That building right there is 800 horsepower electric starter for the 7EA package. That’s just to start the gas turbine when it’s ready to go.

This right here 4400 horsepower Seimens electric motor.

Over in the back corner sort of looks like a tiny home but it’s not – it’s a main generator disconnect switch. It’s huge.

Stepping up onto this it’s an 18 ft exhaust stack dampener. Now why am I talking about this, well because not only do we have a never-used / new surplus GE 7EA gas turbine generator, but this forms part of a larger heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), together a complete co-generation power station.

How complete? Well there’s over 200 truckloads of gas turbine and heat recovery components across 3 yards.

We’re here today inventorying, making sure we know what we, know because someone somewhere in the world needed this 90MW 60Hz 7EA gas turbine yesterday, and now, we’re ready.

Talk to us to today about this General Electric Gas Turbine Generator and Heat Recovery Steam Generation co-generation power plant.

[END OF VIDEO – 1:30]